Sunday, February 17, 2013

Two members beaten with fists live on television (video)

It has become the case that TV shows are used for tough battles among politicians. But in some cases, everything degenerates as bad as no management program to manage the situation. This is what happened in Georgia where two deputies, respectively Koba Davitashvili and Sergo Ratianin have argued in the show 'argument'. Among them were exchanged and Warning forta'Une would press his head '

Helicopter crashes during a television show

During a show televiviziv Korea Top Gear was developing a race between a helicopter and a car. At the end of the race helicopter pilot made ​​a wrong maneuver losing control of the vehicle and slamming into the ground. Everything was filmed by television cameras. Luckily no one was seriously injured by the accident.

Celebrities without school

School is not easy challenge. This is absolutely encourage those who do not take the trouble to have good results, but to show a reality: Not all have the ability to adapt well in school and excellent, however it does not makes it less valuable to society.
An example of this are many famous characters in the world, who have not managed to have no high school diploma. However, working hard in the ability to have discovered myself, have managed to become rich and famous.
Robert De Niro
Vito Korleones fans may not know that the actor had failed to complete high school. He changed school several times before arriving to the median and prefer to stay with a group of street children in Italy Small, neighborhood of Manhattan. There was still 17 years old when he left upper banks. Winner of several awards "Oscar", however, by way of art saw fit to return to study again. He took acting lessons at the Lee Strasbergs Studio and Stella Adler Conservatory.
Jay-Z (Shae Carter)
Jay Black could have "99 problems", but the lack of a high school diploma is not one of them. Known singer, was one of those guys problems at school, coming from Brooklyn neighborhoods and had drug problems before he found his way of life in hip-hop. Already a superstar, Jay Black has an estimated fortune of 450 million dollars.
Billy Joel
Billy Joel's got a high school diploma 25 years after he had finished it. This is because the school decided to make the gift because it was a famous student. However, remained in his famous statement story after learning that failed to take note of maturity credits: "If you do not go to Columbia University, will go to Columbia Rekords and there do not need a high school diploma" . 6 times winner of prices "Grammy", he has sold more than 150 million cd in the world.
Carl Lindner
Billionaire Carl Lindner left school to sell milk to dairy family. In 1940 he opened an ice cream shop with his sister and two brothers. For the sake of necessity, Lindner left school desks to work. Now he is one of the richest men in the world with a net worth $ 1.7 billion.
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Catherine Zeta Jones, the daughter of a farmer rrobaqepëses and left high school at the age of 15 years. It consistently ranks to list multimillionaire who do not have a high school diploma. The reason is simple. Even at that age, she had realized that her way of life was to act.
Ben Affleck
While there are remarkable people who are a little later submitted to the faculty. For example, the actor and screenwriter of films, Ben Aflleck dropped from the University of Vermont, as did the first semester. Later dropped out of college to pursue his dream of acting.
Ellen DeGeneres
E has stated no point ndrojtjejeL No attend any high school. One of the most famous moderating, entertainment and rated talk-ve showdown, Elen De Xheneris, left for sgjysmë University of New Orleans, because he thought it was time wasted.
Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerber and Steve Jobs
Three famous people are introduced technology in history for this. They have no diploma, but are people who have an undeniable impact on the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Cofounder and leader of the "Microsoft", Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard. Likewise, Mark Zukerberg, cofounder and director of "Facebook". the late Steve Jobs, co-founder of "Apple", the university resisted only six months

Milan - Barcelona, tickets sold as 'halva'

Super confrontation between Milan and Barcelona are expected with wonder largest of all. Tickets for this meeting is going to 'halva'. According to the Italian daily 'La Gazzetta dello Sport', are sold all the tickets, about 80 thousand of them, for Wednesday night's match to be held in San Siro Stadium, the first meeting of the tetës the final of the Champions League.
Always according to the daily newspaper, this is a record sales by the Rossoneri, who will benefit 5 million, it had never ever in the history of this club.

The most expensive cars in the world

Supercars produced in Lebanon will be the most expensive cars in the world when presented in a fair cars Katar.Makina LykanHypersport will cost $ 3.4 million, spent significantly closest rival, the Bugatti Veyron.
Despite the enormous cost, the car will not be as fast as Veyron.Ndërsa LykanHypersport does 0-100 kilometers per hour for 2.7 seconds, the Veyron makes for 2.5 seconds, not to mention that the maximum speed of Bugatti-t is higher.
Lebanese car offers a fantastic interior with leather clothing, sewing ar.Dritat headlights will be diamonds, but the engine has 750 horsepower. On board there will be a 3D hologram screen.
Cars designed by Ralph Debbas, who previously worked with Aston Martin.Atij took six years to the seventh makinën.Vetëm designed such will be produced.

Google $ 50 billion revenue for 2012

Google has released the latest financial results for the fourth quarter of 2012, and for this time of year Google revenues were $ 14.42 billion, or 36 percent more compared to the same quarter in 2011.
Google also unveiled the company's total revenue last year, representing a mass of 50 billion dollars, while 14.42 billion was outstanding for the fourth quarter, Google recorded 2.89 billion net profit.
Some things that were not included in the figures published by Google were the sale of Motorola unit Home for $ 2.35 billion, and revenues of Motorola Mobility, which had revenues of $ 1.51 billion, but that the company operated at a loss, which amounted to $ 152 million.
Recorded losses from Motorola are fairly insignificant in terms of total revenue to Google, but it will be interesting to see if Google will be able to turn Motorola'n into a profitable company, by launching the phone very controversial - Motorola model X Phone.

Arrives Volkswagen Golf R7

At the Frankfurt auto salon which is expected to take place in September of this year, Volkswagen will officially unveil the new golf R 7. Company executives claim that the new car will be more powerful golf ever produced in the history of almost 40 years the best-selling model of all time.
The price of this model is expected to be around 38 thousand euro.