Sunday, February 17, 2013

Google $ 50 billion revenue for 2012

Google has released the latest financial results for the fourth quarter of 2012, and for this time of year Google revenues were $ 14.42 billion, or 36 percent more compared to the same quarter in 2011.
Google also unveiled the company's total revenue last year, representing a mass of 50 billion dollars, while 14.42 billion was outstanding for the fourth quarter, Google recorded 2.89 billion net profit.
Some things that were not included in the figures published by Google were the sale of Motorola unit Home for $ 2.35 billion, and revenues of Motorola Mobility, which had revenues of $ 1.51 billion, but that the company operated at a loss, which amounted to $ 152 million.
Recorded losses from Motorola are fairly insignificant in terms of total revenue to Google, but it will be interesting to see if Google will be able to turn Motorola'n into a profitable company, by launching the phone very controversial - Motorola model X Phone.

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