Sunday, February 17, 2013

Drinking Coca-Colas brought death 30-year-old

A coroner said a woman in New Zealand died after consumed large amounts of Coca-Cola.Sipas BBC, Natasha Harris, who died three years ago from a cardiac arrest, drink up to 10 liters of this drink a day.
This is twice the amount of caffeine limit and more than 11 times the limit of sugar should take a body njerëzor.Coca-Cola has objected, saying that they could not prove that their product has contributed to her death.
Harris family says she became addicted to Coca-Cola and start shaking if you do not take her preferuar.Për drink because drinking Coca-Cola, its teeth were completely destroyed.
Doctor David Crerar said the consumption of Coca-Cola's brought her kardiake.Ai arrhythmias said the company can not be responsible for this event, but called in to put a warning label on the risks of this drink.

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