Saturday, February 16, 2013

NASA photos of Mercury

NASA released images of Mercury, the smallest planet in our solar system. Photos are fired from the mission "The Messenger", the first of its kind to be orbiting this planet.

Unlike much thought until now that Mercury is a planet "colorless", the images sent to Earth by NASA's mission indicates that the surface of Mercury is colorful. Observed color orange, yellow, blue and blue.

According to NASA orange areas has significant volcanic activity, while the blue color is due to rock composition of the planet, the composition remains to be studied.

Mercury, unless it is the smallest planet in our system, is closest to the Sun. He has a diemetër of 4880 kilometers, almost one-third of the diameter of the Earth, but the planet is the second highest density, 5.3 times higher than the density of water. Its surface conditions are extreme, its surface temperatures range from 425 degrees Celsius to -180 degrees Celsius.

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